Vision & Values

Vision & Values

|Our Vision

Becoming a value leading global steel industry chain comprehensive service provider


Value leadership

Leading the way in achieving cooperation value externally, continuously contributing to the healthy development of the industry, leading the way in achieving employee growth and value internally, and leading the way in achieving long-term returns to shareholders.


The company's strategic thinking, business operation areas, management systems and culture, talent structure and development, etc., have the ability to reach or mostly cover various countries or regions around the world.

Steel industry chain

Centered around steel mills and steel customers and users, based on international steel circulation services, it gradually develops into industrial links within the scope of steel raw materials, steel mill production, steel circulation, steel processing, steel use, scrap steel industry, etc. according to conditions.

Comprehensive service provider

Comprehensive services such as trade circulation, finance and logistics, information and technology, talent and development, investment and innovation will gradually integrate and develop other service fields based on trade circulation.

|Our Values

Jiujiang aspires to become one of the most professional, trustworthy, and cooperative international steel circulation service providers. Our work methods both internally and externally are based on the following values:


good faith

Internally and externally, treat each other with sincerity, abide by contracts, and be loyal to the enterprise. Integrity is the foundation of trust, and trust is the foundation of everything.

give service to

Having a sincere service spirit and excellent professional ability, pragmatic, efficient, and willing to take responsibility, creating unique value for the team and partners.


With an optimistic and inclusive mindset, we advocate for deep thinking and unique cognition of people, things, things, society, time and space, relativity, and others. For people, we advocate based on self-awareness and knowledge of others; In terms of things, we focus on innovation and result orientation.

Be enterprising

Enterprising is a positive and enterprising spirit, a behavior of striving for excellence or creating possibilities, a necessary condition for the continuous evolution of the team, and an inherent gene for the sustainable development of the company.